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Search for "imidazophosphor esters" in Full Text gives 1 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.

Graphical Abstract
  • , showed a notable antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity without toxic side-effects. Keywords: antinociceptive/anti-inflammatory agents; imidazophosphor esters; phosphonyl carbanions; ring closure; tetrazolo[1,5-b]pyridazine; Introduction Inflammation is a characteristic feature of disease
  • -diazidopyridazine reacts with nucleophilic phosphorus reagents, HE reactants, mainly in the tetrazole-form leading to the formation of tetrazolopyridazino-imidazophosphor esters or β-enaminophosphor esters. Biological assays Based on previous reports [24][25][26] that recognized the pyridazine nucleus is being
  • . Conclusion In summary, we have offered a practical and efficient procedure for the synthesis of imidazophosphor esters based tetrazolo[1,5-b]pyridazine in high yields by application of different types of Horner–Emmons (HE) reagents on 3,6-diazidopyridazine. Among the products, the β-enaminobisphosphonate
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Full Research Paper
Published 22 Aug 2013
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